Eyelid Care: A Quick Guide for Prevention of Eyelid Disorders


You know that your optometrist takes great care of your eyes — but did you know that extends to your eyelids, too? Many of us barely think about our eyelids, perhaps only making a note of them when we're applying makeup or noticing some form of irritation. However, your optometrist will be paying attention every time they see you, and it wouldn't hurt for you to pay them a little heed too.

Keep It Clean

We touch our faces much more often than we realise. According to research, it can be as many as 3,000 times — and every time we do it, we're transferring whatever's on our hands over to some of the most delicate and sensitive skin on our bodies. If you do happen to wipe your eye or rub your eyelids absent-mindedly without washing your hands, you run a risk of infecting your eyelid with bad bacteria, which can cause a variety of different eyelid disorders. Those who already have an eyelid condition risk making it far, far worse.

As such, make sure you keep your hands clean throughout the day. Equally, don't forget to wash them immediately before you do anything specifically involving your eyes, whether you're applying makeup or putting in your contact lenses.

Finally, your eyelids are just like any other part of your face and should be washed with soap that's gentle enough for your face.

Moderate Your Make-Up

All beauty products are tested to ensure that they're generally safe for use, but that doesn't mean that every individual product is good for every single person's skin. Those who do wear make-up must pay attention when using a new make-up product on your eyes. If it causes any irritation or strange feeling whatsoever, remove it and discard the product — it may cause or exacerbate issues with your eyelids. It may be worth keeping a list of the ingredients. Many wearers who experience this kind of sensitivity will eventually see a pattern and learn which specific ingredients to avoid.

Prepare to Add Pressure

If you experience any problems at all with your eyelids — from persistent itching to soreness or worse — then you may find that holding a warm cloth to the area will provide some respite. However, this is only a short-term solution; you should make an appointment and report these issues to your optometrist as soon as possible. Chances are they are nothing to worry about, but they could be signs of a greater problem. Only a trained professional can assess this for you.

Even if you do take good care of your eyelids, there's a chance that a disorder can develop, but even serious eyelid disorders can usually be treated quite easily. So long as your optometrist is kept abreast of your eye health, you have nothing to be concerned about. If you have questions about eyelid disorder treatments, get in touch with your optometrist.


20 November 2018

Maintaining Your Eye Health

If you want to maintain your eye health, it is really important that you have regular check-ups with an optometrist. An optometrist will perform a number of different tests on your eyes. Because I didn't need glasses, I didn't think I had to go to an eye doctor. However, my wife suggested that I book an appointment for a check-up. I did so and I am so pleased I did. It turns out that I had a problem with my eyes which could cause blindness if left untreated. Thankfully, we caught it early enough so I am now fully recovered. I hope this blog helps you to look after your vision.